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Graduated from University of 19th May (Samsun) from Faculty of Medicine, he received the doctorate degree at the same university in the field of microbiology at the department of Medical Microbiology. He also achieved his doctorate programme on “Turkish Religious Music” at the Main Department of Islamic Science and Arts at Marmara University. In the year of 2014, he obtained the rank of associate professor in “Turkish musical performances” in succession to his pass at the exam upon “Basic Field of Fine Arts- Music”. In the year of 2018, he concluded to certificate programme on “Applications of Music-Therapy” and received the title of “Expert” in this field.


In 2021, he was appointed at Haci Bayram Veli University at Instrument Education department affiliated to State Conservatory of Turkish Music.


He was assigned to Samsun State Choir of Turkish Classical Music, affiliated to the Ministry of Culture, as ney and tanbur player, where he became the conductor of the choir in 2004. In 2007, he was assigned to a brand-new institution, “State Ensemble of Research and Performance on Turkish Music in Istanbul” of which he remains among the founders.  He carried out several concerts with chorus, gave recitals in solo performances and participated to several TV programs in Turkey. Individually or accompanied by the bands and ensembles; as well as performing ney and tanbur, he gave seminars and made speeches upon the culture of music, including all European countries, in addition, the northern African (Maghreeb) countries, the USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong-Kong, Saudi Arabia, BAE, Qatar, Taiwan, Malaysia, Azerbaijan, Republic of Tatarstan, Armenia, Australia and Russian Federation. In 1998, he was awarded as the “The Musician of The Year” by the “Association for Men of Business & Industry of Black-Sea Region” in the city of Samsun.


He contributed approximately seventy works including CD albums, vinyl records and books as Artistic Director, Performer of Ney (reed flute) and Tanbur; such as “Gençlik Hülyaları, Buhurizade Mustafa Efendi (Itri), Bin Yılın Mirası Türk Müzigi, Aynı Telden Ayrı Dilden, Vefatının 100. Yılı Anısına Tanburi Cemil Bey…” etc)


Published a great number of articles and columns in many periodicals, Tokac gave lectures between the years of 2012-2019 in related departments of various universities at graduate and post-graduate (MA) degrees. From 2012 to 2021, Murat Salim Tokac performed duty in the Ministry of Culture & Tourism both as the Director-General of Fine Arts and as the director of arts in the State Ensemble of Research and Performance on Turkish Music, located in Istanbul. During this period, he also contributed to several art events as Jury Member, such as “Competition of Young Contemporary Art, State Competition of Painting and Sculpture, Billboard Design, State Competition for Turkish Arts, Competition for Photography, Competition for Young Performers on Instruments and Competition of Composition for Chorus Music.


Since 2018, he also contributes as a member to the Scientific Board subsidiary to Atatürk Supreme Council for Culture, Language and History. In addition, he is also Head of Branch for Applications of Music and Stage Arts, besides, Member of the Board of Publication at one of the periodicals of Ataturk Cultural Centre with the title “Erdem”.

Prof. Dr. Murat Salim TOKAÇ

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